The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back down the back of each leg, and sciatica is a form of pain that affects it. Fundamentally, compression—which typically arises from ruptured and degenerative discs—is the source of sciatica nerve pain. Although you rarely become motionless from the pain, it can be extremely intense. Homeopathic Treatment For Sciatica.
Sciatica is one type of neuralgic pain that can be effectively treated using homeopathy, an extremely sophisticated science. Both acute and chronic sciatica can be treated with homeopathic medications. Natural and safe homeopathic medications target the underlying cause of sciatica to provide a full and lasting recovery. In fact, in cases of sciatica, a timely homeopathic consultation may be able to avoid surgical surgery.
Sciatica Symptoms
• Consistent ache in the entire lower limb
• Lower back ache
• Pain during prolonged sitting or standing
• Numbness in the limb that is affected
• Inflammation or burning sensation in foot and toes
• Inability to completely or smoothly move the lower limbs
• Stiffness, discomfort, or pain during walking
Sciatica Causes
• Obesity
• Over-weight
• Unhealthy life-style and dietary habits
• Excessive use of high-heels observed in women
• Lack of proper physical activity
• Pregnancy
• Degenerative disc disease
• Spondylitis
• Lumbar spinal stenosis
• Spinal related injuries
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